Announcements for Mar. 26, 2022

Deacon Work Bee on Sunday, April 10, from 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the Valley.  Lunch will be provided.  Bring any wood cutting tools.


Annual Senior Recognition Program/Fundraiser/Bake and Craft Sale, tonight, Mar. 26.  Admission is by (check or cash) and helps the seniors raise money for their    class trip and class gift!  Program starts at 8:30 p.m. in the OAA auditorium, doors open at 8:15.  Fully open to the public.  Come and join the fun and bring your piggy bank.  (Donations can be made at any time by contacting the OAA business office.)


Southwestern Adventist University Alumni Homecoming, Mar. 31- Apr.3 Theme: “There’s No Place Like Home”


Special Brunch to honor our SINGLE SENIORS on Sunday Mar. 27 at 10:000 a.m. in the Community Room.  Sponsored by the Strickland/Bonney Sabbath School Class.  Entertainment by the Academy music and drama dept.  Please register soon with Sandra Mulchin – 479-238-3945 or Ruth Bonney 479-283-6705.


OAS Family Fun Run If you would like to participate, or be a sponsor, there will be applications on the greeter’s stands.  The event will take place on April 17, at 8:00 a.m.  Please pre-register by Mar. 31 to receive the discounted registration price.


OAA Gymnastic Home Show will be Saturday night, Apr. 23 -8:30 p.m. All are invited.


Come and Visit Ozark Adventist Academy for Academy Day’s. On April 22 and 23, OAA will be having an Academy Days program for students in grades 8-11. Interact with teachers, staff, and students, play games, win prizes, watch the drama presentation performed by Ozark students, enjoy OAA music performances, and much more. If you have any questions about our Academy Days program or you would like to set up a time for your family to visit OAA, please contact Renee Patterson at (479)736-2221 ext. 131 or by email at


Southern Louisiana Camp Meeting will be Apr. 9 at the Hammond Center at the South Louisiana Convention Center, Hammond, Louisiana. Guest speaker will be Elder Tony Anobile, Vice President of Southwestern Union Conference.


Baby Shower for Harmony Swanson will be Sunday, Apr. 3, at 3:00 p.m. at the Rogers Church Fellowship Hall- 301 N. 33rd St., Rogers, AR  She is registered at Amazon and waiting for the arrival of a little boy. If you can’t make it to the shower you can drop off a gift at Charlotte Robinson’s home, or the church office.


Volunteers Need to help load trailers for the Pathway to Health event on April 6,7,8,9.  You need to be skilled in using a forklift, palate jack, and driving trucks to move trailers on the lot.  If you are interested in helping call Stan Labinski at 608-369-2575.